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Johannes Söllner: Doch Laub und Wolken unter Nacht

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Score and parts for 2 violins, edited by The Twiolins.

“Doch Laub und Wolken unter Nacht” by Johannes Söllner won first prize at the 2012 Progressive Classical Music Awards.

Bringing fresh air into the chamber music scene and revitalizing the classics was the aim of the Twiolins when they launched the Progressive Classical Music Award (PCMA). The PCMA was initiated in 2009 by The Twiolins (Marie-Luise & Christoph Dingler) first under the name Crossover Composition Award, to expand the repertoire for the instrumentation of two violins. Since then, every three to four years they have set a special task for contemporary composers: to compose new music for two violins, which gets under your skin and leads you to storms of enthusiasm.
The competition has deliberately been openly designed to allow novel music to emerge with contemporary emotions. This in turn should contribute to a sustainable development of the classical concert and audience.

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