SECRET PLACES is a hypnotic journey to the core of your soul, a musical picture book that lures the listener to the very depths of his or her powers of imagination. The works sketch unique contours with what seem like melodic brush strokes – each bar a step into unknown territory. Pulsating, fragile, poignant, wild too, dancing and full of joie de vivre.
All of the compositions are recorded for the first time in this form on CD and all but “Hammers” by Nils Frahm were written for the Crossover Composition Award 2015.

Stream or download the album here.
Secret Places was awarded with the silver medal of the Global Music Awards 2017.

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Tracklist: Rebecca Czech, Germany: Ich glaub´, es gibt Regen | András Derecskei, Hungary: Balkanoid | Benjamin Heim, Australia: Trance No.1 | Edmund Jolliffe, UK: Waltz Diabolique | Jens Hubert, Germany: Rock you vs. Ballerina | Johannes Meyerhöfer, Germany: Atem • Licht | Nils Frahm, Germany: Hammers | Aleksander Gonobolin, Ukraine: Metamorphosis | Dawid Lubowicz, Poland: Carpathian | Vladimir Torchinsky, Russia: Eight Strings | Benedikt Brydern, USA: Schillers Nachtflug | Andreas Håkestad, Norway: Three Moods, I | Levent Altuntas, Germany: Chasma^2

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