What do Vivaldi and Piazzolla have in common? How do the Four Seasons react when combined with tangos? The Twiolins – not to be stopped by any genre line – have taken up these questions and created their own new “Eight Seasons”:

Spring is all about the angels, they are dying and rising, the summer is full of melancholy and mysticism, in autumn the hunting horns are stopped by a Hora Zero and in winter you want to dance tango, back to the south …

It was an adventure when The Twiolins got involved with the arrangement of the Four Seasons and the tangos of Piazzolla, but days and nights over the sheet notes unleashed unfamiliar creativity. Both Vivaldi and Piazzolla have converted and show new aspects in this chamber music version that these great works of world literature have not yet shown. This project takes the listener on a musical journey through two centuries and hemispheres, eliminating the boundaries between continents, musical boundaries and traditions without compromising their essence.

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Vivaldi’s Four Seasons in comparison with eleven contrasting Tangos by Astor Piazzolla – With the “Eight Seasons” of the Twiolins, you are invited to enjoy Vivaldi’s virtuoso piece and let yourself be carried away by Argentine longing and passion

Eight Seasons Evolution is the new album from the Twiolins and available on the usual platforms starting Feb. 5, 2021.

Eight Seasons Evolution was awarded with the silver medal of the Global Music Awards 2021.

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